Tariffs on Data Centers Threaten Jobs in Every State
Morning Consult
By Linda Moore
October 29, 2018

The U.S. tech industry creates jobs and opportunities across the country for millions of Americans — from the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt, from the Mid-Atlantic to the Midwest. This is the result of new tech hubs emerging, the internet empowering startups to spring up everywhere, and venture capital investments gravitating toward these growing entrepreneurial centers.

One important way tech companies are expanding in communities across the country is through data centers, which are the lifeblood of an increasingly data-driven economy and can be found in every state. Data centers are like modern day warehouses where companies house their critical information technology operations, storing and managing data for both their organizations and their customers.

Despite the proven economic impact of data centers — and the opportunity they have brought to American workers in every region — the Trump administration’s tariffs are threatening to stall this progress by disrupting supply chains, increasing costs through de facto taxes, and injecting uncertainty into business operations and local economies that host data centers.

Read more here.